Last modified: March 8, 2023
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How to download a photo

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to download a photo from our extensive list in the photo Booth Content section.

Before you download your photo, log in and check that you have sufficient membership credits or Booth Coin in your account. Do this by clicking the Bitcoin wallet icon at the top right of the page.

This icon will expand to show your account and credit details.

Click on the photo booth content tab at the top of the page when the page refreshes. Click on photos from the search filter section. On the left hand side of the page, this will take you to a page that will display only photos. To further narrow our search, we will choose universal content. This photo booth content can be used by any photo booth owner to market a fun photo booth experience.

When you’ve chosen an image to download, click on the download icon at the bottom right of your photo. You will see a pop up asking you to confirm your choice. Click Yes to proceed. You will then get a confirmation of your selection and the link for your download will be sent to your email address. On checking your email, you will see the link to download your photo.

Simply click on the link to download your photo. Once downloaded, your photo will have any branding or logos that you have uploaded to your photo booth Marketing account. Added to it. To find out how to upload your branding, check out our How to upload your branding tutorial as your download is unique to you, it will be titled by number.

It is important that you relabel this for your own reference.

We would also stress that for anything you download it is important to keep your content stored in a file, easily accessed for future reference.  

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