How to start a photo booth business

Deciding on Your Customer and Pricing

Your Photo Booth Services

The price is right

If only running your own photo booth business was like the famous TV game show The Price is Right! Unlike the contestants on the show, we don’t get to guess the right price for our services, we need a pricing strategy that delivers both profit and value.

Sounds simple?

 Well, it can be, if you spend time getting to know and understand both your customers and the value and quality you are offering to them.

 This should be the basis of any strategy and once you understand your target market and their needs, you can set about creating a pricing structure for your services that not only meets customer expectations, but drives increased profits.

The customer is always right

Today’s customer expects more and has constantly changing needs. It is your job to keep your finger on the pulse and adapt and evolve in order to stay relevant and exceed your customers’ expectations.

Your target market will be specific to your photo booth offering, your catchment area and indeed your preference as a photo booth owner. Once you know who they are, you can tailor and customize your services, which will ultimately lead to increased customer satisfaction, enhanced loyalty, repeat business and the best endorsement – positive word-of-mouth recommendations!

Knowing your customers also allows you to target the right type of clients for your photo booth services. For example, if your target market is event planners looking for high-end photo booths, you can adjust your pricing to reflect your premium service.

Alternatively, if your target market is families and individuals looking for affordable photo booth options, you can offer competitive priced services that appeal to them and their budget.

Example, if your target market is corporate events where clients have bigger budgets, you can offer fully branded, customized packages at higher prices. On the other hand, if you cater to individuals and families with tighter budgets, offering lower-priced digital drop off packages can attract more volume of customers.

Moreover, knowing your customers’ preferences also helps determine what they are willing to pay for. If your target market values high-quality prints and a variety of props, you can offer premium packages with these features at higher prices. However, if your target market prioritizes affordability and simplicity, you can offer basic digital, drop off packages at lower prices.

Pragmatic pricing

Once you understand who your customers are, it’s just as important to understand their budgets, preferences and expectations from photo booth services.

This will let you create a pricing structure that doesn’t scare the crap out of prospective customers and allows you to tailor your approach so you are building a business that delivers enough profit margin that you can continue to grow and scale your operations.

It is vital that you are sensible and realistic with your pricing strategy – premium prices mean premium services and customers will expect you to deliver a high-end, full-service offering.

If you know that your target market prioritise affordability and simplicity, you can offer basic packages at lower prices that still meet the customer’s needs, but also deliver profit to you!

Who are your customers

So how do you work out who your target market is? You need to put in the work, do some research and gather as much information and insights as you can.


– Survey says
Surveys are a great tool to gather information directly from your customers. You can ask them about their preferences, budget, and what they value in a photo booth service. This data can help you identify patterns and trends among your target market and I would suggest having this info in your initial enquiry forms.

– Feedback is a gift
Pay attention to customer feedback, whether it’s positive or negative. This will give you insights into what your customers like and dislike about your services and pricing. Use this information to make adjustments and improve customer satisfaction.

– Eye on trends
Stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the photo booth industry, especially those that appeal to your target market. This will help you understand what your customers are looking for and how to price your services accordingly. It also helps you to stay ahead; don’t be afraid to create your own experiences.

It’s in the details

Your pricing strategy cannot just be based on your customers – as important as they are. There’s a lot of other things to consider and take into account as you build out your strategy.


What makes you different?

Your Unique Selling Points (USPs) are what set you apart from your competitors and make your services more valuable to customers. Whether it’s unique expereinces, high-quality prints, or exceptional customer service, highlight these in your pricing strategy.


When you offer something unique and valuable, customers are willing to pay more for it. For example, if your photo booth expereince has advanced features such as paparazzi that can’t be found in other booths, you can justify charging higher prices.


Itemise everything

It takes a lot to run a photo booth business and the costs quickly add up. Purchasing the booth is just the start of it. Don’t forget to include all the costs and expenses it takes to keep your business going, from marketing to staffing, travel to maintenance, these should all be factored into pricing for each of your services. This will ensure you are not undercharging and losing out on potential profits.


Stay competitive

Research your competitors’ prices to ensure that you are offering competitive rates. However, don’t make the mistake of undercutting your competitors to attract more customers. Instead, focus on providing a unique, valuable service that justifies your pricing.


For instance, if your competitors offer lower prices but have limited features and poor customer service, you can differentiate yourself by offering premium services at higher prices.


Value over cost

Pricing based on your costs may not accurately reflect the value of your services. Instead, consider the value you provide to customers and price accordingly. This will ensure that your pricing strategy aligns with customer expectations and ultimately leads to increased profits


With this strategy, you can justify charging higher prices for premium services as long as the value you provide justifies it.

Flex yourself

You and your business will evolve and change over time. It is important to not get stuck in a rut, not just in terms of pricing, but also what you are offering to customers.

You need to flex to the changing markets, offer packages and prices that flex to meet the needs of your customer base and you need to keep reviewing your prices to ensure that you are staying current and in line with customer needs.

Need more help with pricing your photo booth services?

 Photo Booth Marketing Monthly Members give guidence, advice and event pitch decks for their services.

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