Meet the boother

Robati Iotebatu

Born out of a love of photography, Tini Media have been capturing life’s magical moments for a decade. Based in Tonga, this is a real family affair, with the happy couple able to turn their passion into an incredibly successful business.
Their first camera was a fit and throughout their relationship photography has played a pivotal role. Robati takes immense pride in the amazing services they offer to their customers and they both take the time to make sure that they capture every bit of enthusiasm, atmosphere and laughter of an event.
Building the business, and reacting to the changing needs of the events market, Tini Media purchased their first booth three years ago. And they haven’t looked back as the business has gone from strength to strength.
In this, their 10th year it is clear their passion is paying off and they are helping their customers capture the most important moments in their stories that will live on forever.

Name: Robati Iotebatu
Business Name: Tini Media
How long have you been in business?
10 Years
What is your favourite booth?  The Beauty Mirror
What is your favourite software? We’re big fans of Fotomaster and have been using it alongside our DSLR software consistently. However, we’ve recently received recommendations from friends in the industry for Snappic, so we’re considering exploring it as well.

Tell us about the best event you ever did?

We’ve had the privilege of delivering so many fantastic events in Tonga. It’s hard to pick, but one that stands out is the Ronald McDonald House Charity Gala Ball, which a close friend from the photo booth industry helped us make it happen.

This is a major fundraiser for this amazing charity that helps families stay close to their children in hospital. We were delighted to be a part of this prestigious event that has established itself as a primary event in the local social calendar, attracting hundreds of ballgoers.

Your 3 Tips for success in the photo booth industry: 

#1 Don’t give up


#2 Learn by doing


#3 Be original

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