Meet the Professional

Julia Martinez

NAME: Julia Martinez



Who run the world?

Well if Beyonce and Julia Martinez have anything to do with it….GIRLS will most definitely run their own businesses, dominate the photo booth industry and as Queen B herself said…run the world.

Chatting to Julia fills you with hope for the next generation of female entrepreneurs that are coming onto the photo booth scene.

She hasn’t just chosen to start and run her own incredibly successful business. She has chosen to take the time to support, uplift and enable other women to seek out success in our industry.

A teacher by background, it is pretty clear that Julia has translated years of supporting and coaching into her new career as the successful owner of YoProps.

But how did a mum of four move from purchasing a turn-key photo booth to becoming one of the industry’s leading prop manufacturers?

Never stand still

“Itchy feet,” says Julia.

“I’ve always got something on the go, a plan in motion or an idea bubbling away. And six months after I purchased my first photo booth, I started designing my own props. It was the natural extension of the success of the events business and it kept growing and growing.”

It’s easy to see why YoProps has become so successful.

Julia offers the highest quality photo booth party props and photography prop signs all thoughtfully designed to maximise interaction and elevate the photo booth experience.

Whether it’s corporate events, weddings, birthday parties, or any fun event YoProps take the whole experience to another level.

But as anyone who has been a client of Julia’s knows…the props are just one part of the package.

Personal touch

Customer service doesn’t get to the heart of what sets Julia apart. But it is a start.

“A company is only as good as the personal service. At the end of the day, I want to exceed my customers’ expectations and through that personal touch and a willingness to go above and beyond, I’ve built a loyal customer base.

“I might pay to reship something at an extra cost to myself, but if it means that both the client and I are happy with the end result, then that makes it worthwhile.”

Julia goes above and beyond helping other women in the industry – both those just starting out and looking for advice and more seasoned professionals who are navigating the highs and lows of this dynamic industry.

She’s even organised the successful Strong Womens Conference as part of PBX in Vegas, where women can come together to hear an incredible roster of speakers, network with influential attendees, make friends and of course hang out with like-minded women.

What’s next?

YoProps had their best ever year last year and the post-COVID entertainment industry seems to be buoyant. While the customer profile may have changed a bit, there is clearly still an appetite for elevated experiences and events.

It is pretty clear that this former teacher could teach us all a thing or two about running a business, juggling family responsibilities and giving back to the photo booth community.

And going forward, it’s clear she won’t be standing still.

2024 seen the fifth annual Strong Women Conference at PBX in Las Vegas and will also see Julia up the ante with new developments for female entrepreneurs throughout the year.

“No one can do this alone. We need to build up the community around us and support each other as best we can. If a lot of people are doing a little bit to help each other…imagine the impact we could all have!”

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